Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't let the bed bugs bite

VERY few people are aware that there seems to be a worldwide epidemic of bed bugs. The statistics are there to prove this. The bed bug can live for months without feeding and they can hide themselves in clothes or luggage. So a guest at a hotel may bring them into a hotel in his clothes or in his luggage and the bed bug will then infest the hotel room. The bed bug may have come from an infested home or from another infested hotel.

Usually we go to bed at night and when we wake up we notice the bite marks from the bed bug on the skin and blood on our clothes or on the sheets. Some people may have an urticarial (rash) reaction in the morning from the bites of the bed bug.

Now bed bugs as far as we know do not transmit any diseases but they have tested positive for the virus Hepatitis B and have been suspected to be transmitters of this disease. The bite of the bed bug is painless but the saliva causes the problems.

The bed bug is a small bug that is black in colour and it has two rudimentary wings and six legs. It lives in the crevices of our beds and in our mattresses.

The treatment of bed bug bites is simply one per cent hydrocortisone cream for kids and Betnovate for adults. For the itching we may use oral antihistamines like DPH or Histal.

Source: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/magazines/AllWoman/html/20090426T210000-0500_150206_OBS_DON_T_LET_THE_BED_BUGS_BITE.asp

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